Unit I: The Nature of Management
- Management and its characteristics
- Principles of Management
- Process and Function of Management
- Managerial Hierarchy and Level
- Managerial Skills and Roles
- Emerging Issues and Challenges in Management
- Management Theories
- How Environment Affects Organization
- How Organizations adapt to Their Environments
- Types of Environment
- Internal Environment
- Specific or Task Environment
- General Environment
- Emerging Business Environment in Nepal
Unit II: Planning and Decision Making
- Organizational Goal
- Purposes of Organizational Goals
- Functions of Organizational Goals
- The Planning Function
- Process of Planning
- Concept of Strategic Planning
- Formulation of Strategic Planning
- Implementation of Strategic Planning
- Methods of Environmental Scanning
- SWOT Analysis
- Tools to Aid Strategic Planning
- Decision Making
- Decision Making Process
- Types of Decision
- Condition of Decision Making
- Technique To Aid Decision Making
- Group Decision Making
- Technique of Group Decision Making
- Tools to Aid Decision Making
Unit III: Organizational Structure and Staffing
- Organizing
- Importance Of Organizing
- Principle Of Organizing
- Functional Organization
- Process Of Organizing
- Approaches To Organizing
- Organization Structure
- Differences between line and line and staff Organization
- Committee Organization
- Line Organization Structure
- Line And Staff Organization
- Types Of Organizational Design
- Organizational Design
- Matrix Organizational Structure
- Departmentalization
- Centralization
- Job Design
- Staffing
- Importance of Staffing
- Components of Staffing
- Human Resource Management System
Unit IV: Mobilizing Individuals and Groups
- Leadership
- Leadership Versus Management
- Functions of Leadership
- Qualities of Good Leadership
- Approaches to Leadership
- Leadership Traits and Styles
- Team Management
- Managing Work Teams
- Organizational Conflicts
- Conflict Management Strategies and Techniques
- Employee Motivation
- Theories of Maslow and Herzberg
- Techniques of Employee Motivation
- Communication Networks and Process
- Purpose of Organizational Communication
- Communication Flows
- Types of Communication
- Barriers to Effective Communication
- Enhancing Organizational Communication
- Interpersonal and Organizational Communication
Unit V: Management Control System
- Quality Management
- Quality Control
- Features of Effective Control
- Techniques of Control
- Managing Information For Effective Control
- Control System
- Total Quality Management
- Factors Affecting Quality Control
- Deming Management
- Emerging Quality Management Issues and Challenges
Unit VI: Organizational Change and Development