Spring 2014 Macroeconomics
This is the question set along with the answers of Spring 2014 Macroeconomics which was taken by the Pokhara University (PU).
Spring 2014 Macroeconomics
Level: Bachelor | Semester – Spring | Year: 2014 |
Programme: BBA/BBA-BI/ BBA-TT/BCIS/BHCM | Full Marks: 100 | |
Course: Introductory Macroeconomics | Pass Marks: 45 | |
Time:3hrs | ||
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. | ||
The figures in the margin indicate full marks. |
Section “A”
Very Short Answer Questions
Attempt all the questions. | 10×2 | |
1 | Point out the basic issues of macroeconomics. | 2 |
2 | What would a traditional Phillips curve show? | 2 |
3 | Define the term budget deficit? | 2 |
4 | What is the essence of Say’s law of market? | 2 |
5 | What are the determinants of investment? | 2 |
6 | What are the major features of the depression phase of the trade cycle? | 2 |
7 | Define IS schedule. | 2 |
8 | What is mean by inflationary gap? | 2 |
9 | Suppose C = Rs100+0.75Y, I= Rs200, G=400. Find the value of investment multiplier. | 2 |
10 | The real GDP of an economy in 2013 and 2014 are respectively $ 1904 billion and $ 1950 billion, calculate the economic growth rate. | 2 |
Section “B”
Descriptive Answer Questions
Attempt any six questions | 6×10 | |
11 | What is macroeconomics? Discuss the interdependence between Micro and Macroeconomics. | |
12 | Define National Income. What are the difficulties of national income accounting? | |
13 | Explain the relationship between aggregate demand price and aggregate supply price in the determination of the level of employment and output. | |
14 | What is consumption function? State and explain the measures to raise the propensity to consume. | |
15 | Suppose that an economy is in equilibrium at Y= C+ I +T+ G+ Gt +(X-M). Where, C=50+b(Y-50-tY+Gt) I=100, G=50, Gt=25, X=10, M=5+O.1Y, b=0.8, t= 0.25
a) Find the national income at equilibrium. b) Find foreign trade multiplier. c) What is the equilibrium level of national income when the government expenditure increased by 50 units. |
16 | Suppose the demand for money is Md=0.20Y, the money supply (Ms) is $ 200, C= $ 90+0.80Yd, Tx (Tax)=$50,I=140-5i, and G=$50. (a) Derive the IS and LM equation, (b) Find equilibrium output, the rate of interest and investment, (c) Derive the IS equation when government spending increases $ 20, ceteris paribus, (d) Find output, the rate of interest and investment when government spending is $ 70 | |
17 | What are macroeconomic policies? Discuss the instruments of fiscal policy. |
Section “C”
18 | Case Analysis | 20 | |||
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