This is the question set along with answers of English Fall 2019, which was taken by Pokhara University.
POKHARA UNIVERSITY – English Fall 2019
Level:Bachelor Semester:Fall Year:2019
Program: BBA/BBA-BI/BCIS/BHCM/BBA-TT Full Marks: 100
Course: English II Pass Marks: 45
Time: 3 hrs
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far
as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt all the questions.
- a) Mr. Know-All presents a conflict between two travelers, Max
Kelada and Mr. Ramsay
i. Describe the conflict
ii. Explain the reason for this conflict?
iii. How this conflict gets resolved?
iv. Why the narrator of the story at the end decides to change his mind?
Apply the four levels of interacting with text to the poem “The Five
Stages of Grief’ or “We are breaking the silence about Death.”
- b) Suppose you work for Manipal Teaching Hospital as a consultant.The Human Resource Department is concerned that many
employees are dissatisfied with their personal development. What aspects of personal development does the hospital need to work on? Discuss about the programs and ideas which could be introduced to improve personal development in the hospital, and recommend any fie best ideas to the management.
Answer any five questions:
- A few simple rules will keep you, not from all error, but from silly error. Bertrand Russell forwards few rules in his essay “Keeping Errors at Bay”. Do you agree with his rules? Why?
- What does Chaudhary argue in “ How Sane Are We?” Do you agree with her argument? Give reasons.
- Why does the narrator of the short story ‘Third Thought’ close his monologue saying, ‘Buying and selling are a perfectly straightforward matter between dealer and customer?’ Document and explain this statement.
- What are the most popular careers in your country? What career would you like to choose in future? Give reasons.
- ‘Everyone is in sales. It doesn’t matter what area you work in, you have chients and you need to sell.’ Do you agree? Support your argument.
- Suppose, you were starting a new job in a new company. What benefits and facilities would you look for, apart from the salary? Explain.
3)Choose the correct verb
a) A young audience is/ are often more enthusiastic than an older one.
b) He found that physics was /were more difficult for him than he had thought it would be.
c) Economics and mathematics requires /require a certain amount of concentration to understand.
d) From what they said on TV, the government is /is going to
announce tax reforms soon.
Complete the sentences as instructed.
a) They serve hot meals in the staff canteen. (passive voice)
b) If the guest…….(arrive) late, they…… (be) too tired to attend a meeting. (first conditional sentence)
c) I ………. (travel) around the world if had enough money. (second condition sentence)
d) When/ she/join/ the club. (Simple past question)
Describe your job
a) My job involves_______
b) I deal with________
c) I am involved _______
- d) I’m taking ________
4.Attempt any five questions:
a) Why was uncle dissatisfied with his kitten?
b) Why do you think the poet calls the trees as “dead” mothers?
c)do you think the vetran is happy with his present life? Why?
d) Tagore wishes his country not to be “broken up into fragment by narrow domestics walls.” What do you think the poet want to mean by “narrow domestic walls”?
e) What idea does BP Koirala try to communicate in the story “A Tale”?
f)What are the characteristics of a property conducted experiment?
- Both Anton Checkov’s “The Lady with the Dog” and James Joyce’s “A Painful Case” reveal the unfulfilled desire of human beings. What similarities and differences do you notice in the texts? Are the ways of managing human emotions acceptable in both texts? Justify your answer with reference to the texts.
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