Pokhara University || Spring 2017 || Object Oriented Programming || BBA/ BCIS

Pokhara University || Spring 2017

This is the question set along with answers of Object-Oriented Programming Spring 2017, which was taken by Pokhara University.

POKHARA UNIVERSITY –  Object Oriented Programming Spring 2017

Level: Bachelor                                               Semester: Spring                                   Year:2017

Program: BBA/BBA-BI/BCIS/BHCM/BBA-TT                                             Full Marks: 100

Course:  Object Oriented Programming                                                                                        Pass Marks: 45

Time: 3 hrs

Section “A”

Very Short Answer Questions

  1. Explain in brief JDK, JRE & JVM.
  2. What do you mean by Autoboxing and Auto-unboxing?
  3. Differentiate the instance variable and static variable.
  4. What is the use of the final keyword in java?
  5. List all types of primitive data types available in java.
  6. How we can create a thread in java?
  7. What do you mean by package? Why package is important?
  8. Differentiate String Buffer and String Builder class.
  9. What is the purpose of the Simple Date Format class?
  10. Why swing is better than AWT. Give any two reasons?

The answers to the above 10 questions.

Section “B”

Descriptive Answer Questions

Attempt any six questions

11. a) What is a constructor? Explain constructor overloading with an example.
b) Differentiate between Abstract classes and Interfaces.
12. a) Explain different types of exception available in java? How the Exception can be handled in java. Explain.
b) What is thread priority? Write a program to create multiple threads and set different priority to run the thread on priorities basis.
13. Explain Byte Streams and Character Streams. What is the purpose of Data Input Stream and Data Output Stream classes? Write a program to write an integer, double and Boolean data in a file called “data.txt”. And again read those data from the file and display it in the console.
14. a) Explain layout managers that are available in Java.
b) Write a command-line argument program to accept three numbers and find the smallest one.
15. a) What are Collections? Explain the uses of Array List with an example.
b) Write a program that takes two strings from the user and check whether they are identical or not.
16. a) What are the advantages of using the Set interface in comparison to List? Write a program demonstrating the use of Map and HashMap.
b) What is wrapper class? Explain wrapper classes available in java.
17. What is Inheritance? Explain types of inheritance with a suitable figure and example. Explain why multiple inheritances are not supported by java.

Section “C”
Case Analysis

ABC Company approaches to develop desktop-based application software of Student Management System. They have divided the software development process into 3 phases. In the first phase, they need
“Login System and Employee Registrations”. The “Login System” looks like below:

Pokhara University || Spring 2017 || Object Oriented Programming || BBA/ BCIS

You are required to design the GUI same as in the above figure of Login GUI.
ii. You are required to design the GUI same as in the above figure of Register User GUI.
iii. In the “Register User” screen, when the user clicks on " Add" button, then all the supplied information is received and displays to the user with the help of the dialogue box of J Option Pane.

The answer to the above case

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