Internet Technology – Spring, 2016
This is the question set along with answers Internet Technology (Web Programming) Spring 2016, which was taken by the Pokhara University.
Pokhara University – Internet Technology (Web Programming) Spring 2016
Level: Bachelor | Semester –Spring | Year: 2016 |
Program: BCIS | Full Marks: 100 | |
Course: Internet Technology (Web Programming) | Pass Marks: 45 | |
Time: 3hrs. |
Section “A”
Very Short Answer Questions
Attempt all the questions.
- Distinguish between HTML and XML.
- Mention 3-page formatting tags with example.
- What are the specific CSS3 elements explain with examples?
- How can you create a responsive website?
- How can you use CSS in a website?
- Explain VPN.
- Explain SSL.
- What is a control statement?
- Explain function with reference to PHP.
- Define OOPs.
Section “B”
Descriptive Answer Questions
Attempt any six questions
- Explain web architecture.
- Explain the encryption and decryption mechanism.
- Describe online payment.
- How do you send receive emails using PHP?
- How can jquery be used in a website explain with examples?
- Explain the MVC model with example code using PHP?
- Using PHP explain 5 mathematical functions and five-string functions?
- What is the difference between client-side scripting and server-side scripting?
Section “C”
Attempt all questions
19. Create the following web application using HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP:
- a) HTML Form ID, Name, Salary, email.
- b) Validate the email, salary as integer and name should be compulsory.
- c) Create a table in the database with these fields.
- d) Save these records to the database.
- e) List all the records on a web page.
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