The Four Levels of The Tale (Bishweshwor Prasad Koirala):
1. Literal Comprehension
This is the first part of the Four Levels of The Tale.
Here in the story, Gods are always asking help from a human when there is time for defeating the demons but whenever the humans try to become gods through penance, the gods grow weary of it.
In a village, one man believes that the social obligation that he has is blocking the road to godhood. So, he goes towards a clearing in the forest and starts to meditate. To get control over his flesh, he meditates in front of the fire during summer and inside the ice water during winter.
The time passed, seasons changed and gained inner peace and ecstasy. This started to threaten the seat of heaven so Indra sent the most beautiful nymph to the earth.
The nymph stripped off her clothes and stepped into the water which is knee-deep. She stopped to fill her hands with water, appearing as pure and chaste as the Rajanigandha flower. Her loveliest breasts are pointing downwards towards the water like twin-raptors ready to pounce on their prey.
At that very moment, sage’s eyes opened and the first thing he sees is the nymph in the river. The sage feels no difference between his inner peace and the woman in front of him. He feels that she is the last stage of his penance. So, he marries the girl and returns back to the society.
Back at sage’s village, both of them start helping everyone in need but the neighbors are still wary of them. Since they are still in shock, dismay and they believe that the nymph is an evil seductress who has caused the saint’s downfall.
2. Interpretation
The main theme of the story might be that the knowledge once gained won’t be destroyed. The sage has already gained inner peace and knowledge. So the nymph sent by the Lord Indra didn’t make any difference to the knowledge gained due to penance.
Similarly, the story is might also be showing that the real godhood is not just about staying in heaven but using the knowledge that we have gained to use it to help others in need; using the knowledge practically.
Likewise, another thing that is shown is about the undying passion or emotion that human has is not something that goes away and it’s the basic need.
3. Critical Thinking
This story asks us to give practically to our knowledge; not just study for exams but to study to apply this in the upcoming future in the practical field.
But there are few questions to be raised.
- Do gods really exist?
- Even if they do, Aren’t they supremely powerful? How could a human being be more powerful than that of them?
- Aren’t gods supposed to be the one to protect human beings?
- How could they be jealous of humans and wish for their downfall instead?
4. Assimilation
One of my uncles is a great devotee of God. Every day he gets up and worship the gods in him home and then goes to the temple to worship the gods there. He is really into organizing pujas and all but when anyone comes to his house to ask for help, he doesn’t help them. I think the best way to get the blessings of god or utilize the knowledge is to help others that are in need.
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