UNIT I: The Context of Systems Analysis and Design
- System development Process: System Initiation, System Analysis, System Design, System Implementation, System Support, and Continuous Improvement
- The Players- System Stakeholders
- Skills required for a Systems Analyst
- Business and Technology Drivers for Information System: E-Commerce and Business, TQM, BPR, Mobile, and Wireless Technologies, Enterprise Applications
- Information System Development
- Information Systems Building Blocks: Knowledge Building Blocks, Process Building
Blocks, Communication Building Blocks - Principles for Systems Development
- The PIECES framework for Problem Identification
- FAST methodology, Cross life-cycle Activities, Sequential vs Iterative development
Automated Tools and Technology
UNIT II: Project Management
- Introduction to Project Management
- The Project Management tools and techniques: PERT and Gantt Charts
- The Project Management Life Cycle
- Risk Management: Introduction to Risk,
- Risk Management Process (Risk Identification, Risk Analysis)
- Risk Planning, Risk Monitoring)
UNIT III: Systems Analysis
- System Analysis, Systems Analysis Approaches
- The Scope Definition phase
- The Problem Analysis Phase
- The Requirements Analysis Phase
- The Logical Design Phase
- The Decision Analysis Phase
- The Design Analysis Phase
UNIT IV: Fact-Finding Techniques For Requirements Discovery
- An Introduction to System Requirements and its types
- The Process of Requirements Discovery
- Fact-Finding Techniques: Sampling, Questionnaires, Interviews, Discovery
Prototyping, Joint Requirements Planning (JRP) - Use-Case Modelling: Introduction to Use-cases, Actors, and Relationships
- Process of Use- Case Modelling for Requirements
UNIT V: Data Modeling
- An Introduction to Data Modeling: Entities, Attributes, Relationships;
- The Process of Logical Data Modeling
- How to Construct Data Models: Entity Discovery, The Context Data Model, The Key- Based Data Model, Generalized Hierarchies, The Fully Attributed Data Model;
- Mapping Data Requirements to Locations (CRUD Matrix)
UNIT VI: Process Modeling
- Introduction to Process Modeling
- System Concepts for Process Modeling
- The Process of Logical Process Modeling
- How to Construct Process Models
- Synchronizing of System models
UNIT VII: Object-Oriented Analysis and Modeling
- An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis
- System Concepts for Object Modeling
- Modeling the Functional Description of the System
- Constructing the Analysis Use-Case Model
- Modeling the Use-Case Activities (Activity Diagram)
- Drawing System Sequence Diagrams
UNIT VIII: Feasibility Analysis
- Feasibility Analysis
- Types of feasibility: Operational Feasibility, Technical Feasibility, Schedule
Feasibility, Economic Feasibility, Cultural/Political Feasibility, Legal Feasibility - Feasibility Analysis of Candidate Systems
UNIT IX: Systems Design Methods
- Systems Design Approaches
- System Design for In-house Development-The “Build” Solution
- System Design for Integrating Commercial Software- The “Buy” Solution
- Waterfall Model
- Spiral Model
- v-Model
- Agile Model
- Prototyping Model