Unit I: Introduction to Psychology as a science of Mind and Behavior
- Psychology and its stages
- Modern Stages
- Similarities and Differences of Psychology
- Perspective of Psychology
- Methods of Psychology
- Experimental method
- Goals of Scientific Psychology
Unit II: Biological Basis of Behavior
Unit III: Sensation and Perception
- Introduction to Sensation
- Introduction to Perception
- Perceptual Organisation
- Introduction to Illusions and Delusion
- Perceptual Constancy and Motion perception
Unit IV: Learning and Memory
- Introduction to memory
- Learning and Theories of learning
- Operant Conditioning
- Cognitive Learning
- Introduction to Learning
Unit V: Cognition (Thinking and Intelligence)
- Social Cognition
- Social Behavior
- Social Influence
- Introduction to Intelligence
- Introduction to Thinking
Unit VI: Motivation, Emotion, and Stress
Unit VII: Personality