Level: Bachelor | Semester –Spring | Year: 2015 |
Program: BCIS | Full Marks: 100 | |
Course: System Analysis and Design
Pass Marks: 45 | |
Time: 3hrs. |
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. |
The figures in the margin indicate full marks. |
Section “A”
Very Short Answer Questions Attempt all the questions. |
10×2 | |
1. | Define information systems and mention the various types of information system applications. | |
2. | Define information system architecture. Identify three technologies that provide system designers and builders with a perspective of an information system. | |
3. | Explain the PIECES framework for the problem analysis to develop a good information system. | |
4. | Compare and contrast Gantt chart and PERT chart. | |
5. | What is requirement discovery? What are its techniques? | |
6. | What do you mean by a key-based data model? | |
7. | Define feasibility analysis and list out six different types of feasibility analysis techniques. | |
8. | What is data modeling? Describe the E-R diagram with components. | |
9. | Define object-oriented analysis approach. | |
10. | Define miracle and black hole error in-process model. | |
Section “B”
Descriptive Answer Questions Attempt any six questions |
6×10 | |
11. | Define the unique role of systems analysts in the development of information systems and describe current technology drivers that influence information systems development. | |
12. | Describe the motivation for a system development process in terms of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) for quality management and also describe various automated tools for system development. | |
13. | What is system analysis? What are the roles of system analysts for good information system development? | |
14. | Mention the various fact-finding techniques and mention the advantages and disadvantages of observation fact-finding technique. | |
15. | Compare and contrast the Activity diagram and Sequence diagram with examples. | |
16. | What is Project Risk? What are the stages of Risk Management? | |
17. | Explain commercial package implementation strategy with its advantages and disadvantages. | |
18. | Section “C”
Case Analysis The history of computers in Nepal is that not old since Nepal has not given any contribution to the development of the evolution of computers. Nepal hired some types of calculators and computers, especially for census calculation. In 2018 B.S. there was brought electronic calculator named “Facit” in Nepal for Census purpose. His Majesty’s Government (HMG) brought “IBM 1401” (a second-generation computer) on monthly rent for Rs. 1 lakhs and 25 thousand to process census data in 2028 B.S. Nepal government had established Electronic Data Processing Centre (Yantric Sarinikaram Kendra) in 2031 B.S. which was later named as National Computer Center (NCC). In 2038 B.S., a third-generation computer “ICL 2950/10” was imported with the aid of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Funds for Populations Activities (UNFPA) from England for 20 lakhs US dollars. In the meantime, Nepalese students went to India, Thailand, the USA, and other countries for computer education. In 2039 B.S., microcomputers such as IBM, Apple, Vector, Sins, etc. were imported by private companies and individuals. Many private companies were established and started selling computers and training people in order to produce manpower in Nepal itself.
Computer technology is also improved according to the invention of advanced devices. Information Technology Policy adopted in Nepal in 2057 B.S. to build a knowledge-based society, to establish knowledge-based industries, and to make information accessible to general people. Since 2062/63 the computer system assembling and software development were emerging very fast in Nepal. Nepal government had issued the ‘Cyber Law 2061’ on 30th Bhadra 2061 to legalize the electronic transaction. In 2063 Muni Bahadur Sakya assembled the first Super Computer in Nepal by combining sixteen microprocessors. In 2065 B.S. semi-visually impaired Engineer Him Prasad Gautam has developed software “Dristibachak” for visually challenged people.
Nowadays, several graphical designing and software development companies are available in Nepal. In Film Industry, there is also the involvement in computerized modeling and designing. The first Nepali film with the graphical effect is “Yeti Ko Khoji Ma” of Laxman Basnet produced in Kathmandu by Visual Production Pvt. which is released in February 2067 B.S. World-level mobile applications like Cash On Ad, AppliKali, Panic SMS are also developing in Nepal. Students are getting computer education from school level to college level. Each and every educational institution, business organizations, communication centers, ticket counters, etc. are widely using computers. Advance computer educations are also getting by the students through different colleges, universities, and private education centers. a) Explain the advantages and drawbacks of computers and technology? b) What are the reasons for the poor role of Nepal in the development of computers and technology? |
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