Level: Bachelor | Semester – Fall | Year: 2017 |
Program: BCIS | Full Marks: 100 | |
Course: Computer Architecture and Microprocessor
Pass Marks: 45 | |
Time: 3hrs. |
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. |
The figures in the margin indicate full marks. |
Section “A”
Very Short Answer Questions Attempt all the questions. |
10×2 |
1. | List the different non-vectored and vectored interrupts? | |
2. | Why addressing mode is needed? | |
3. | Which is fast- parallel or serial communication? | |
4. | Draw the block diagram of the microprocessor-based system? | |
5. | List the different timing and control signals generated by the 8085 microprocessors. | |
6. | Write major differences between address and data bus. | |
7. | What is the ‘stored program concept’? | |
8. | What are the different modes of PPI? | |
9. | Define RS-232. | |
10. | What do you mean by a 32-bit microprocessor? | |
Section “B”
Descriptive Answer Questions Attempt any six questions |
6×10 | |
11. | 20 bytes of data are stored from memory location 8000h. WAP to store all the numbers greater than 32H from memory location 9000h. | |
12. | Describe the process of how the 8259A to interrupt controller handles the interrupt with a suitable diagram. | |
13. | Draw the functional diagram of the 8085 microprocessor and explain its blocks in detail. | |
14. | Differentiate between parallel and serial communication? Explain about NULL MODEM configuration. | |
15. | Define USART. With a suitable diagram, explain the working mechanism of USART. | |
16. | Draw and explain the timing diagram of MOV A, B instruction. | |
17. | Why DMA is needed? With a suitable diagram explain about working process of the 8237 DMA controller.
18. | Section “C”
Case Analysis What is PPI? Why it is used? Explain about different modes of PPI? Also, explain different control words in detail. How can you interface PPI with DIP switch (Input) and LED (output) in mode 0 with the following configuration. Port B an input port and port A is an output port. Port CL as input and port Cu as output.
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