Level: Bachelor | Semester – Fall | Year: 2016 |
Program: BCIS | Full Marks: 100 | |
Course: Computer Architecture and Microprocessor | Pass Marks: 45 | |
Time: 3hrs. |
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. |
The figures in the margin indicate full marks. |
Section “A”
Very Short Answer Questions Attempt all the questions. |
10×2 |
1. | What are the different types of flags in 8085? | |
2. | Define hardwired control unit. | |
3. | What do you mean by data transfer instruction of 8085? | |
4. | What are the different parts of MPU? | |
5. | Define the purpose of LDAX and STAX instruction with examples. | |
6. | What is the purpose of an interrupt? | |
7. | What is the ‘stored program concept’? | |
8. | How many general-purpose registers are there in 8085 and what are they? | |
9. | List some of the characteristics of RISC. | |
10. | Define the term fetch cycle and execute cycle. | |
Section “B”
Descriptive Answer Questions Attempt any six questions |
6×10 | |
11. | Define microprocessor. Explain different types of the bus of microprocessor along with a suitable diagram. | |
12. | Define instruction. Why addressing modes are needed in 8085. Explain about different types of addressing mode of 8085 with a suitable example. | |
13. | Write a program to multiply two 16 bit numbers and explain each step in detail. | |
14. | Define instruction cycle, machine cycle, and T state. Draw the timing diagram of MVI A, 01H and explain. | |
15. | What is PPI? Why it is used? Explain about different modes of PPI? Also, explain different control words in detail. | |
16. | Define interrupt. Explain about hardware and software interrupt. Explain simplex, half-duplex, and full-duplex communication along with a suitable diagram.
17. | Define DMA. Explain the purpose of DMA. Draw the block diagram of the 8237 DMA controller and explain its operation with the help of the timing diagram. | |
18. | Section “C”
Case Analysis 20 bytes of data are stored in memory location 2056h onwards. Write a program to add all positive numbers and store the sum and carry in two memory locations 5600 H and 5601H respectively. Explain each step in brief.
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