Major Concern of Sociology
Major Concern of Sociology refers to the concept that sociology seeks to find the explanation of three basic questions: why and how society emerges, why and how society persists, and why and how social change?
The major concern of sociology:
- Sociology has given sufficient attention to the primary unit of social life.
- It has been concerned with the development, structure, and function of a wide variety of social institutions.
- No, a sociologist can afford to ignore the fundamental social processes.
- It has placed a high premium on the method of research also.
- The major Concern of Sociology is with the study of human social behavior and the influence of society upon this behavior
- Sociologists are concerned with the task of “formulating concepts, propositions, and theories.”
Concept: Concepts are abstracted from concrete experience to represent class phenomena. For example terms such as social stratification, conformity, deviance, etc.
Proposition: Proposition seeks to reflect a relationship between the different categories of data or concepts. For instance, lower-class youth are more likely to commit crimes than higher class.
Theories: Theories go beyond the concept and proposition that explain social phenomena. Sociological theory is more rooted in factual than philosophical.
Uses of Sociology are:
- To study society in a more scientific way.
- It throws more light on the social nature of man.
- It helps to know not only our society but also other societies.
- It helps to enrich culture.
- It studies great social institutions.
- Sociology is greater, especially in under-developed countries.
- It helps to solve problems.
- It helps in planning and social understanding of society.
- It helps the government to promote the welfare of tribal or indigenous people.
- Finally, as Prof. Gidding has pointed out “Sociology tells us how to become what we want to be”.
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