Execute Operation and Timing Diagram || Microprocessor System || Bcis Notes

Execute Operation and Timing Diagram || Microprocessor System || Bcis Notes

Execute Operation and Timing Diagram

The Execute operation is used to run stored procedures and stored functions, as well as wrapper stored procedures and stored functions. The external service wizard generates the required stored procedure business object that corresponds to the stored procedure or stored function definition in the database. The adapter uses the Execute operation to process the stored procedure business object. The Operation window lets you modify the targets of an operation before it executes.

An operations execution system (OES, also called manufacturing process management and collaborative manufacturing) is a suite of manufacturing systems designed to execute operations tasks, such as production, maintenance or inventory tracking. Manufacturing execution systems are a subset of an operations execution system, as they are typically concerned with executing tasks within just the production line. Other systems that might be included within an OES might include warehouse management systems, supply chain management systems, or computerized maintenance management systems.

Organizations dedicate time and resources to create and execute strategies to achieve their goals and then discover they do not achieve what was expected. In many cases, the problem is not the strategy but the execution plans and processes. Execution is different than strategy.

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