Level: Bachelor | Semester – Spring | Year: 2016 |
Programme: BCIS | Full Marks: 100 | |
Course: Computer Architecture and Microprocessor | Pass Marks: 45 | |
Time: 3hrs. |
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. |
The figures in the margin indicate full marks. |
Section “A”
Very Short Answer Questions Attempt all the questions. |
10×2 |
1. | What is the address bus? How can we identify the memory handling capacity of microprocessors? | |
2. | What is a machine cycle? What is its relation with the instruction cycle? | |
3. | What is memory Fetch operation? | |
4. | Why ALE is initially high? | |
5. | What is BSR mode and write the control word format in the BSR mode? | |
6. | Which type of communication is preferable for a short distance and why? | |
7. | What are memory-mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O? | |
8. | What is polling? | |
9. | What is a RISC machine? | |
10. | What is the use of the TRAP signal? | |
Section “B” Descriptive Answer Questions Attempt any six questions. |
6×10 |
11. | What is the stored program concept? Explain the processing cycle of a stored-program computer. | |
12. | Computer Von-Neumann and Harvard architecture with suitable diagrams. | |
13. | What are assemblers? Write an ALP for 8085 Microprocessors to find the largest of three numbers. | |
14. | Define T-state. Explain timing for instruction INO4H. | |
15. | What do you mean by PPI? Explain how control words can be made for different modes. | |
16. | Draw a block diagram of 8259 PIC and explain initialization command words (ICWS) and operational command words (cows). | |
17. | What is multiprocessing? Explain different mechanisms for parallelism. | |
18. |
Section “C” Case Analysis a) A Computer system with an 8085 microprocessor is to be interfaced with one ROM and one RAM each of 2KB. i. What are the things that are to be considered while designing the address decoding circuit for memory interfacing ii. Design the address decoding circuit to the interface provided ROM and RAM consecutively at address C000H using the efficient decoder. b) Write an ALP to find the square of a given number. Write comments for each line. |
10 |
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