This is the question set along with answers of General Psychology- Fall, 2015, for the first semester which was taken by Pokhara University.
POKHARA UNIVERSITY – General Psychology, Fall 2015
Level: Bachelor Semester: Fall Year:2015
Programme: BBA/BBA-BI/BCIS/BHCM/BBA-TT Full Marks: 100
Course: General Psychology, Fall 2015 Pass Marks: 45
Time: 3 hrs
Section “A”
Very Short Answer Questions
Attempt all the questions.
1. Introduce the major sub-fields of psychology.
2. What is the difference between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system?
3. Mention the difference between compliance and conformity.
4. Define Sensory Threshold.
5. What is retroactive interference?
6. Write the component (tools) of thinking.
7. What is IQ?
8. Define Psychoneuroimmunology of stress.
9. Discuss briefly emotion and types of emotion.
10. How the Freud defines the Oedipus complex and Electra complex.
The answers to the above 10 questions
Section “B”
Descriptive Answer Questions
11. Psychology is a science that studies human behavior and mental processes. Discuss.
12. “Neuron plays a major role in transforming information from the body to brain centers and brain to body parts’. Explain with a diagram of the functions of Neurons.
13. What is Social Cognition and Behaviors, Elaborate on the Process of Social Cognition. Explain in Brief: attitude, social influence, prejudice, and discrimination.
14. Define personality and explain briefly the role of biological and environmental factors in the development of personality.
15. Define learning and critically examine the conditioning learning theory of Ivan Pavlov.
16. Explain Problem-solving Steps; Preparation, Production, and judgment with appropriate examples.
17. Define motivation and explain the importance of Push (drive) and Pull (incentive) theories in an organizational setting.
Section “C”
Case Analysis
18. Television and Violence
In an episode of The Sopranos television series, fictional mobster Tony Soprano murdered one of his associates. To make identification of the victim’s body difficult, Soprano and one of his henchmen dismembered the body and dumped the body parts. A few months later, two real-life half-brothers in Riverside, California, strangled their mother and then cut her head and hands from her body. Victor Bautista, 20, and Matthew Montejo, 15, were caught by police after a security guard noticed that the bundle they were attempting to throw in a dumpster had a foot sticking out of it. They told police that the plan to dismember their mother was inspired by the Sopranos episode (Martelle, Hanley, and Yoshino, 2003).
Like other “media copycat” killings, the brothers’ cold-blooded brutally raise a critical issue: Does observing violent and antisocial acts in the media lead viewers to behave in similar ways? Because research on modeling shows that people frequently learn and imitate the aggression that they observe, this question is among the most important issues being addressed by psychologists.
Certainly, the amount of violence in the mass media is enormous. By the time of elementary school graduation, the average child in the United States will have viewed more than 8,000 murders and more than 800,000 violent acts on network television (Huston et al, 1992; Miff in, 1998).
Most experts agree that watching high levels of media violence makes viewers more susceptible to acting aggressively, and recent research supports this claim (Boxer et al., 2009; Carnagey, Anderson and Bartholow, 2007; Savage and Yancey, 2008). For example, one survey of serious and violent young male offenders incarcerated in Florida showed that one-fourth of them had attempted to commit a media-inspired copycat crime (Surette, 2002). A significant proportion of those teenage offenders noted that they paid close attention to the media.
Violent video games have also been linked with actual aggression. In one of a series of studies by psychologist Craig Anderson and his colleagues, for example, college students which frequently played violent video games, such as Portal or Doom, were more likely to have been involved in delinquent behavior and aggression. Frequent players are lower academic achievement (Anderson el al., 2004; Anderson and Carnagey, 2009 and Anderson, 2007).
a. Are violent behaviors learned behavior? Explain with the above examples.
b. What are the reasons that make people to media copycat aggressive behavior?
c. Why children and youth are more prone to media-inspired copycat crime?
d. Briefly describe the process of observational learning as explained by Bandura.
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