Introduction To Program And programming Language || Programming Preliminaries || Bcis Notes

Introduction To Program And programming Language || Programming Preliminaries || Bcis Notes

Introduction To Program And programming Language

The Introduction To Program And programming Language as are described below. A program is the collection of instructions and the programming language is formal language.


A computer program is a collection of instructions that performs a specific task when executed by a computer. A computer program is usually written by a computer programmer in a programming language.

Programming Language

A programming language is a formal language, which comprises a set of instructions that produce various kinds of output. Most programming languages consist of instructions for computers. It is divided into three types:

  • Machine Language
  • Assembly Language
  • High-Level Language

Machine Language

  • It is the representation of a computer program, which is actually read and understand by the computer.
  • It is machine-dependent and is not portable.
  • The programs in machine code consist of a sequence of machine instructions.
  •  The machine instructions are in binary code.
  • Instructions specify operations and memory cells involved in the operation.


Operation Address
0010 0000   0000     0100
0100 0000   0000     0101
0010 0000  0000     0110

Assembly Language

  • It is the symbolic representation of the machine language of a specific processor.
  • it is converted to machine code by on an assembler.
  • Usually, each line of assembly code produces one machine instruction (one-to-one correspondence).
  • Programming is the assembly language is slow and error-prone is more efficient in terms of hardware performance.
  • It uses a mnemonic representation of the instruction and data.
  • It is also machine-dependent and usually portable.


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High-Level Language

  • It is a programming language that uses statements consisting of English like keywords such as “FOR”, “PRINT”, or “IF”,…..etc.
  • Each statement corresponds to several machine language instructions (one-to-many correspondence).
  • It is much easier to program than in assembly language.
  • Data are referenced using descriptive names.
  • Operations can be described using familiar symbols.
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  • It is machine-dependent and is portable but must be compiled for different platforms.


Pascal, C, C++, Java, etc.

Generation of  programming Language

There are five types of generation of programming languages. They are as follows,

  • First Generation of programming language
  • Second Generation of programming language
  • Third Generation of programming language
  • Fourth Generation of programming language
  • Fifth Generation of programming language

First Generation of programming language

A first-generation (programming) language (1GL) is a grouping of programming languages that are machine level languages used to program first-generation computers. Originally, no translator was used to compile or assemble the first-generation language.

Second Generation of programming language

A second generation programming language is also known as an assembly language. These archaic programming languages were popular during the late 1950s. A second-generation language uses alphabet letters, so programming is technically easier than just using a complex series of zeros and ones.

Third Generation of programming language

The third generation of programming language also known as a “3GL,” refers to a high-level programming language such as FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, Pascal, and C. It is a step above assembly language and a step below a fourth-generation language (4GL).

Fourth Generation of programming language

A fourth-generation programming language (4GL) is any computer programming language that belongs to a class of languages envisioned as an advancement upon third-generation programming languages (3GL).

Fifth Generation of programming language

A fifth-generation programming language (5GL) is any programming language based on problem-solving using constraints given to the program, rather than using an algorithm written by a programmer.

Program Design Methodology

Program Design Methodology is really all about solving problems but we use a computer to do that for us With small problems. you may be able to get away with just thinking of the solution to the problem in your head.


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