Process of organizing
As a process of organizing involves the division of work, a grouping of activities, design of authority, and coordination of activities among the members. It is one of the most important parts of management functions. Therefore, organizing is a continuous process and involves a series of activities rather than one-stop work. The following are the steps of the organizing process.
1. Division of work
The division of work is the first step in the organizing process. It is the breakdown of a complex work into small and manageable units. It is done to make individuals responsible for a limited set of activities and not for the whole jobs of the organization. A single person is physically and psychologically unable to perform the entire complex job even if he is an expert in a certain sector of business. Therefore, work should be divided into small and simplified units on the basis of their complexity and entrusted to skilled and talented workers.
2. Grouping of work
All the activities determined to achieve enterprise objectives must be classified on the basis of nature and should be put in one group or subgroups. This step of organizing involves creating departments and sections for specific work. It means a separate department is created for specific work and responsibility is entrusted to the specialized member.
3. Delegation of authority
Delegation of authority is one of the important parts of organizing. No individual can complete his assigned responsibility unless he is given sufficient authority. Thus, for efficient completion of works, there must be a balance between authority and responsibility. The manager has to delegate authority to the subordinates in accordance with their responsibilities.
4. Coordination of work
Exchange of information among the members in the enterprise is a must during the course of performance. managers have to communicate with their subordinates and with co-workers from other departments. In a similar way, the subordinates also need to maintain communication with their colleagues and superiors. This is helpful to develop mutual relations among all the members to bring smoothness in performance.
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