Leadership is at the heart of management. It is basically involved with initiating action. Someone in the organization has to tell employees what to do. Somebody has to see that the employees do their work to the best of their ability.
Also, someone has to direct, lead, supervise, and motivate the employees. Thus, it involves determining the course, giving orders and instructions, and providing supervision. The more effective its process, the greater will be the contribution of subordinates to organizational goals. Leaders help themselves and others to do the right things. They set direction, build an inspiring vision, and create something new. It is about mapping out where you need to go to “win” as a team or an organization; and it is dynamic, exciting, and inspiring.
It means different things to different people around the world, and different things in different situations. For example, it could relate to community leadership, religious leadership, political leadership, and leadership of campaigning groups.
Concept of Leadership
Leadership has been viewed by scholars from different perspectives. We will examine here some of these definitions of leadership. A simple definition is that leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. He or she is the person in the group that possesses the combination of personality and leadership skills that makes others want to follow his or her direction. If required, it resorts to coercion or force to get the job done. Whatever may be the nature and type of influence, leaders are the people who:
- Lead the group or followers
- Influence the behavior of others
- Possess the leadership skills
- Attain the organizational goals through their influence.
Functions of Leadership
Following are the important functions of a leader:
1. Setting Goals:
A leader is expected to perform the creative function of laying out goals and policies to persuade the subordinates to work with zeal and confidence.
2. Organizing:
The second function of a leader is to create and shape the organization on scientific lines by assigning roles appropriate to individual abilities with the view to make its various components to operate sensitively towards the achievement of enterprise goals.
3. Initiating Action:
The next function of a leader is to take the initiative in all matters of interest to the group. He should not depend upon others for decisions and judgment. He should float new ideas and his decisions should reflect original thinking.
4. Co-Ordination:
A leader has to reconcile the interests of the individual members of the group with that of the organization. He has to ensure voluntary co-operation from the group in realizing the common objectives.
5. Direction and Motivation:
It is the primary function of a leader to guide and direct his group and motivate people to do their best in the achievement of desired goals, he should build up confidence and zeal in the workgroup.
6. The link between Management and Workers:
A leader works as a necessary link between the management and the workers. He interprets the policies and programs of the management to his subordinates and represents the subordinates’ interests before the management. He can prove effective only when he can act as the true guardian of the interests of his subordinates.
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