Factors Affecting Quality Control
The term quality as applied to manufactured products may be defined as that characteristics or combination of characteristics which distinguishes one article from another, or the goods of one manufacturer from those of their competitors, or one grade of product from another when both are turned out by the same factory. Quality is dual: on the one hand, it serves to identify the article and on the other, it is equivalent to the degree of perfection. It is not absolute and can only be judged or realized by comparison with some pre-determined standard.
Factors Affecting Quality:
The factors affecting quality are:
1. Money
2. Materials
3. Management
4. People
5. Market
6. Machines and Methods.
1. Money:
The most important factor affecting the quality of a product is the money involved in the production itself. In the present day of tough and cut-throat competition, companies are forced to invest a lot in maintaining the quality of products.
2. Materials:
To turn out a high-quality product, the raw materials involved in the production process must be of high quality.
3. Management:
Quality control and maintenance programs should have support from top management. If the management is quality conscious rather than merely quantity conscious, an organisation can maintain an adequate quality of products.
4. People:
People employed in production, in designing the products must have knowledge and experience in their respective areas.
5. Market:
The market for the product must exist before the quality of the product is emphasized by management. It is useless to talk about the quality when the market for the product is lacking. For example, there is no demand for woolen garments in the hot climates (e.g., Southern part of India).
6. Machines and Methods:
To maintain high standards of quality, companies are investing in new machines and following new procedures and methods these days.
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