Principle Of Organizing || Organizational Structure And Design || Bcis Notes

Principle Of Organizing || Organizational Structure And Design || Bcis Notes

Principle of organizing
The principle of organizing clarifies the philosophy of organizing in a comprehensive way. Organizing can be started by keeping in view some basic principles. The major principles of organizing are discussed as follow:
1. Unity of objectives
This principle implies that the objectives of various departments and sections of the enterprise must be formulated in such a way that every individual can contribute his/ her efforts for a single objective. For this purpose, the common objectives of the enterprise should be defined first and then they should be divided into every department and section.

2. Specialization
As far as possible each individual of the enterprise should be given specific work on the basis of his ability. In such a situation, the employee can concentrate on single work with greater efficiency. It is helpful to maintain and develop working efficiency and it also minimizes the cost of output.

3. Co-ordination
Co-ordination is the essence of organizing. Every enterprise is established for a definite objective. For the accomplishment of the defined objectives, many departments are created and many persons are appointed. All the departments and persons involved in various activities have a common goal. This principle facilities to maintain harmonious working relationships among departments and employees.

4. Authority and responsibility
Authority and responsibility are two wheels of a cart. There must be a balance between authority and responsibility. When a person is made responsible for a particular function, he should be given the required authority to complete the work efficiently. Therefore, there must be a balance between authority and responsibility.

5. Unity of command
According to this principle, an employee should receive orders and instructions only from one superior at a time. When he is answerable to more than one superior at a time, he cannot fulfill his duties on time. He comes into confusion for taking priority in the instruction of superiors.

6. Scalar chain
This principle implies the unbroken line of authority from the top level to the lowest level of an enterprise. This principle clarifies the authority responsibilities relationship between superiors and subordinates. It also promotes mutual understanding among the superior and subordinates. The chain of command must be clear and short for its effectiveness.

7. Span of control
This principle refers that there should be a limited number of subordinates so that their work can be effectively supervised. In fact, the number of subordinates that a supervisor can supervise depends upon the number of factors. The narrow span ensures close and effective supervision as there is a limited number of a subordinate under supervision.

8. Exception
This principle emphasizes that top-level management must concentrate only on exceptional and creative issues. These activities involve planning, policymaking, setting long-term objectives and formulation of strategies. The exception principles make effective delegation of authority in accordance with responsibility.

9. Efficiency
The efficiency of an organization is measured by its capability to achieve the predetermined objectives efficiently and effectively. For this purpose, the optimum utilization of available resources is most essential. Therefore, an efficient organizational structure ensures optimum utilization of organizational resources.

10. Balance
There must be an equal division of work among all departments and sections of an organization. There must be a balance between efficiency and efforts. The works should be entrusted to a particular department on the basis of its capability. The felling of overemphasis to a particular department or person must be avoided.

11. Homogeneity
According to this principle, every department should be assigned only homologous functions. it means the function of a similar nature and has the same objectives should be divided into one group. This helps to ensure unity of direction and coordination of efforts.

12. Continuity
Organizing is a continuous process up to the existence of the enterprise. The organizational structure should be reviewed and revised according to changing the environment of the business. The organizational structure should be reviewed and modified according to the demand of the situation.

13. Simplicity
This principle emphasizes that the management must design a simple organizational structure. It should be designed in such a manner that all the members of the organization can understand easily. It provides a framework for better cooperation among all the members

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